Information Request Form

Human Resources

Prosense Global is strictly dedicated to ‘People come first’ principle since the very first day of establishment and it supports its people for their self-improvement in profession, career planning and social benefits. It encourages and gives opportunities to enable its people take up a proactive role in the processes.
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Intending only the best and offering highest quality services to clientele, Prosense Global aims to create a personnel profile that embraces information sharing and innovative thinking.

Career Planning

We prepare talented personnel for bigger achievements.

For headhunt;

  • We set targets we are an expert on.
  • We measure performance by targets and analyze them together.
  • We seek opinions and supports from our executive.
  • We measure competences and check out their compliance with the development plans.

Our teammates that are included in the pool of talents:

  • are made part of senior level decision-making process.
  • are supported with target-specific training such as "Executive Leadership", "Strategy Planning", "Professional Knowledge".