Information Request Form

Mall Security

As combining security awareness and customer satisfaction requires high consciousness particularly in ensuring mall security, all our staff employed for mall security is given an additional training of 16 hours (on handling the difficult situations, stress management, communication, conflict management, tourism security etc.).
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Providing the services such as the entry/exit controls of mall employees, entry/exit controls of visitors, parking garage and vehicle security control, x-ray and gate detectors through either provision of equipment or trained staff, PROSENSE Global Security keeps its clients receiving services from it informed through daily, weekly and monthly reports.

Our staff responsible for monitoring the closed-circuit camera systems and fire-flood alarm systems is given a special training of 2-day on this subject.    The training includes the topics of attention, ability to analyze in detail, and emergency action and coordination. 

Our Mall Security Services that can be provided in every province in Turkey can be offered in combination with our integrated security solutions, if desired.   Especially in the sections where patrolling is needed, tour control reports, which mall operator can receive without any extra investment, can be given by PROSENSE Global Security.

Write to us now if you need further information