Information Request Form

Quality Management

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  • To give life to the investor’s idea contemplated and to create a concept,
  • To determine the design criterion for the concept in order to proceed with the designing phase,
  • To select the materials (architectural, electrical, mechanical etc.), to determine the level of technologies and systems in line with the contemplated concept criteria and within the budgetary limits,
  • To determine the most suitable technical specifications, procedures, special terms and policies that would help us to maximize the quality in line with the designated deadlines,
  • To go through a               QUALITY CONTROL process for the materials, labor force, technology and system in order to verify that the project is performed in accordance with the desired standards, specifications and drawings,
  • To determine any steps of manufacturing that needs correction or completing based of the quality control; to perform provisional acceptance,
  • To revise all manufacturing, inclusive of the ones determined during the provisional acceptance phase, to deliver the same and to perform final acceptance.

Write to us now if you need further information