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Rescue and Unlocking Systems

These are the systems designed to unlock any kinds of doors and blocking mechanisms in case of emergency and operations in an amazingly silent and quick way, allowing convenience for a single person use.
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These systems are being used by rescue teams and fire brigades in Israel, Canada, the U.K., and some states in the United States of America. They are also used by special operations units in the afore-cited countries. They are widely used in case of emergency at large-scale complexes in the private sector

They have an ergonomic design, light, silent and very convenient for use.

They are strong reliable and fast-operating in perfect silence.

Majority of the devices are designed for allowing ease of use by a single person, and are stand-alone, requiring no electrical-driven power or compressed air sources.

The production design intends to unlock doors that are known to be hardly possible to unlock all effortlessly and silently.

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